Decoding Gang Signs and Symbols (2024)


  1. Short answer: Gangster Disciples gang signs
  2. 1) Understanding Gangster Disciple Gang Signs: A Meaningful Introduction
  3. 2) How to Identify and Decode Gangster Disciple Gang Signs
  4. 3) Step-by-Step Guide on Executing Gangster Disciple Hand Signals
  5. 4) Frequently Asked Questions about Gangster Disciple’s Signature Gestures
  6. 5) Unveiling the Symbolic Language of gang signs used by the GDs
  7. 6) Mastering Effective Communication through Studying Gangster Disciples’ Signage

Short answer: Gangster Disciples gang signs

Gangster Disciples, a street gang based in Chicago, utilizes various hand gestures as their distinctive signs. These symbols represent allegiance to the group and are primarily used for communication among members. While specific details may not be readily available due to security concerns, these gestures typically involve forming particular arrangements with fingers or hands that convey coded messages within the organization’s hierarchy and criminal activities.

1) Understanding Gangster Disciple Gang Signs: A Meaningful Introduction

Title: Deciphering Gangster Disciple Gang Signs: A Profound Introduction

Unraveling the enigmatic world of gang culture is an endeavor that requires careful understanding. Among the various factions that dominate this realm, one such group stands out – the notorious Gangster Disciples. These individuals communicate through a unique form of symbolic language known as “gang signs.” In this blog post, we embark on a captivating journey to decipher and comprehend these intriguing gestures employed by members across their vast empire.

Delving into Symbolic Language:
Gang signs serve as a means for Gangster Disciple members to manifest their solidarity, express allegiance, and uphold intimidating appearances within their community. While they may appear simplistic at first glance—hand signals drawn in mid-air—they convey profound meanings with subtle nuances requiring meticulous examination.

Interpreting Common Gestures:
The sheer intricacy embedded in each distinctive hand gesture demands close attention from those seeking an insight into GD affiliations:

1) The Pitchfork Displayed Proudly
One prevailing motif among GD gangsters encompasses variations of pitchfork-shaped signifiers formed with fingers joining together while keeping thumbs extended—together creating an imposing weapon reminiscent shape! This iconic symbolizes unity within the organization; it emphasizes that every member maintains commitment towards common goals despite individual backgrounds or struggles.

2) Repertoire Handshake Rituals
Members greet each other using elaborate handshake rituals illustrating not only trust but also imbibes loyalty ingrained deep within them. From intricate interlocking finger patterns to emphatic shoulder bumps accompanied by intense eye contact—their handshakes evoke unwavering support amongst brethren united under one banner.

3) Enigma Embedded Subtleties
Within street life’s unforgiving terrain lies subtler yet equally essential aspects entwined seamlessly amidst broader symbolism:

– Hat Tilt Codes: Through minute tilts — rightward or leftward —of caps worn sideways or backwards, Gangster Disciples convey messages among themselves silently. These discreet cues may signal a member’s rank or position within the gang hierarchy.

– Tattooed Stories: Intricate body art adorned with cryptic symbols further carries essential details regarding individuals’ experiences, achievements, and even losses suffered during their arduous journey as part of this tightly-knit organization.

Interpretation: Illuminating True Essence
Understanding these advanced forms of communication enables an enigma once seemingly impenetrable to outsiders to unravel gradually. Nonetheless, it is imperative not to glorify or trivialize such expressions; they’re born out of complex backgrounds riddled with harsh realities that often go unnoticed by society at large.

Embracing Education over Stereotypes:
In conclusion, exploring the intricate world woven by Gangster Disciple gang signs invites us into delving deeper than mere surface-level assumptions and stereotypes. By igniting dialogue based on knowledge rather than perpetuating misconceptions intertwined in media portrayal alone—we pave the way for empathetic comprehension amidst diversity inherent in our societal fabric.

So let us debunk preconceived notions surrounding GD symbolism—appreciating both its historical significance as well as illuminating the challenges faced daily within these communities—to foster genuine understanding instead of judgmental biases we tend to resort towards far too quickly!

2) How to Identify and Decode Gangster Disciple Gang Signs

Title: Unmasking the Enigma: A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Decoding Gangster Disciple Gang Signs

Gang culture is an intricate web that can often appear impenetrable. To the untrained eye, gang signs may seem like mere gestures or hand movements without any meaning. However, deciphering these cryptic signals holds immense importance in understanding their hidden messages.

In this blog post, we will embark on a journey through the underworld as we unveil insights into how you can identify and decode one of Chicago’s notorious street gangs – The Gangster Disciples’ (GD) distinctive language of nonverbal communication.

1. Understanding Contextual Significance:
Before delving deeper into identifying individual GD gang signs, it is essential to grasp their broader contextual significance within gang activities. These symbols serve multiple purposes such as establishing identity, communicating loyalty or allegiance to fellow members, issuing threats to rivals while simultaneously intimidating them with a display of power dynamics.

2. Observational Sherlock Holmes – Spotting GD Hand Gestures:
The mastery lies not only in knowing what specific hand sign indicates but also having a keen eye for recognizing these subtle signals amidst everyday scenarios.One common example involves observing thumbs and index fingers arranged either horizontally or vertically forming “pitchforks” representing FOLK nation affiliation—a fundamental element defining GD symbology.

3.Unleashing Symbolism – Untangling Complex Codes:

a) Pitchfork Variations: While vertical pitchfork stands for ‘People Nation,’ where alliance among various street gangs prevails; horizontal pitchfork designates staunch membership dedication specifically towards lawlessness under Folk Nation—making sense now why both orientations are popular amongst aspiring young outlaws?

b) Numbers Game – Digit Communications:The usage of numbers cleverly embedded within handsigns adds another perplexing layer when decoding discipline’s secret dialect.The number 6 represents Gansta disciples—notice your fingers slightly curl inward yet remain straightened enough to form a distinctive angle? Alternatively, the number 7 denotes GD’s adversarial relationship with Vicelords – competitors and rivals in Chicago gangland.

c) Crown Hieroglyphics:Occasionally adorned by dedicated members as tattoos or flashy accessories, crowns possess further cryptic meanings within Gangster Disciples. These signify authority & dominance exerted both internally among disciples themselves while equally posing defiance towards outside authorities—ie., An emblematic act of rebellion aiming let society know about their existence.

4.The Power Dynamics – Ascending Hierarchy Revealed:
Recognizing not just individual signs but also understanding power dynamics embedded within them is crucial when decoding aspirations for status and advancement.Clear comprehension allows one to discern who outranks whom amongst Gangster Disciple circles. A thorough analysis may enable outsiders an insight into connections established between high-ranking officials sometimes even predict potential altercations weeks before they erupt others.

Now that we have provided you with insights on how to identify and decode these intricate signals encompassing the world of Gangster Disciples’ gang signs- it would still remain imperative pointing out any mere misinterpretation can lead fatal consequences serving merely literary exercise.As always diligently following local laws,collaborating law enforcement agencies serves more credible purpose than feeding curiosity giving hints decipher mystery language without fully grasping repercussions lies authenticity research.A greater step forward consists fostering communities inhibit formation crytalise violence innately promoting inclusive spaces homemore opportunities flourish steer youth goodness uplifting positive lessons reinforcement free traps economical,political subdued progress shares fruits collectively reaps peace overall prosperityia meaningful objectiveignsure future generations shall grow living safe-free from real-life nightmares inequities fester today In concluding endeavorineembrace being part solution instead adding problems hence seeking justice cooperation educating aspiring voices inquirywhile deterring course immorality criminal behavior unknowledgeable pathvictimhood unaware rapidly overwhelming reality nowadays.mindful importance embrace collectivesafeguard wellbeing built shared trust cohesiveness-et’s shape brighter tomorrow.

3) Step-by-Step Guide on Executing Gangster Disciple Hand Signals

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on executing Gangster Disciple hand signals. Before we begin, it’s important to note that this article is for informational purposes only and does not endorse or support any illegal activities. With that said, let’s dive into the fascinating world of gang culture.

Hand signals play a significant role in gang communication as they allow members to relay messages without speaking aloud – an essential aspect when operating covertly in high-stakes situations. Gangster Disciples (GD), like many other gangs, have developed their own intricate system of hand signals which are used both internally within the organization and externally with rival gangs.

1) The Significance:
Understanding the significance behind GD hand signals requires delving into their history. The original roots trace back to Chicago where Larry Hoover founded the “Gangster Nation” youth group later known as Black Disciples (BD). In 1978, David Barksdale merged his organization with BDs forming what is now called Gangster Disciples – one of America’s most notorious criminal organizations.

2) Silent Code Words:
Before diving headfirst into visual gestures, learning some crucial code words will help contextualize these symbolic movements further:

– Pitchfork: Referring primarily to rebellious defiance against authorities.
– Stones: Symbolizing loyalty and reject conformity.
– Six-point Star: Representing unity among various factions under one identity.
Now that you’re familiarized with some key terminologies let us proceed towards mastering prominent GD symbols!

3) Hand Signal Basics
Like any language worth its weight in gold chains oversized medallions; understanding basic vocabulary helps set solid foundations before progressing:

a) Throw Up Pitches Fork sign 🤘🏽‍
The iconic throwing up forks symbolizes allegiance toward your Brothers-in-Arms/the mighty “Nation.” Gently clench four fingers tucking away your thumb leaving index finger extended upwards projecting strength & unified resistance💪.

b) The L or Nation Sign👌
Form an “L” shape with your thumb and index finger, leaving the remaining three fingers extended. This intricate gesture honors Larry Hoover Barksdale’s notorious Gangster Disciples while showcasing loyalty to their principles 😎.

c) Tongue out Signal 🤟🥴
To convey a sense of danger and aggression, take inspiration from Gene Simmons’ iconic rockstar antics. With tongues partially protruding between clenched teeth accompanied by intense eye contact emanating dominance & rebellion – this symbol speaks volumes💀!

4) Advanced Hand Gestures:
With the foundation laid firmly on GD hand signals, it is time to explore more complex maneuvers:

a) Crossed Fingers 👐✌️❗️
While commonly associated with good luck for many folks living outside gang culture; when executed within GD circles where rules are profound: crossing index & middle finger signifies absolute defiance/animosity towards rival organizations! ✊

b) Six Point Star ⭐♦️
Symbolizing unity among multiple factions under one entity – rapidly connect alternate thumbs followed by overlapping opposite pinky/ring/index/middle fingers forming a magnificent star-shaped display radiating immense power 🔱 .

Remember that executing these gestures without proper context can be misleading or even dangerous in certain situations—it’s imperative to respect cultural boundaries, engage responsibly and prioritize safety at all times.

In conclusion let us reiterate our initial disclaimer—gang affiliations lead down treacherous paths which negatively impact individuals as well as communities surrounding them😔⛓ . Instead choose alternative avenues such as education 📘 , mentorship 💼 , and personal development tools enabling brighter futures for everyone involved ✨💫

4) Frequently Asked Questions about Gangster Disciple’s Signature Gestures

In this blog post, we will delve into the frequently asked questions surrounding Gangster Disciple’s signature gestures. These distinct hand signs and movements play a significant role in their culture and have piqued the curiosity of many. So, without further ado, let us tackle these questions with professionalism while injecting hints of wit and cleverness.

1) What is the significance behind Gangster Disciple’s Signature Gestures?
The Gangster Disciples utilize a variety of intricate hand signals to communicate within their ranks while maintaining secrecy from rival groups or law enforcement agencies. These gestures serve as visual codes that convey important messages pertaining to loyalty, affiliation status, gang hierarchy, or even act as warning signs for potential threats – all done discreetly right under our noses.

2) Are there different types of Signature Gestures among various street gangs?
Yes! Just like languages evolve across regions and cultures worldwide; each street gang has its own set of unique symbols specific to them. The same rings true for Gangster disciples who take great pride in creating an exclusive language through which they can readily identify one another amidst crowded streets filled with constant scrutiny.

3) How do newcomers learn these complex gestures? Is it an initiation process?
Learning these intricacies isn’t exactly akin to studying rocket science; however it does require discipline alongside trusted guidance from older members known as OGs (Original Grandparents). New recruits typically undergo intense training sessions where experienced members impart years’ worth wisdom onto eager minds seeking acceptance into this clandestine brotherhood – ensuring proper execution before granting official recognition.

4) Are outsiders able to decipher these hidden meanings successfully?

Cracking the code on such secretive symbolism proves quite challenging for those outside affiliated circles. With careful attention paid toward suppressing any exposure publically disseminated information remains scant at best leaving most individuals mere spectators unknowingly missing out on rich history beneath layers veiled intrigue .

5) Can other communities use similar Hand Signs innocently?

While the Gangster Disciples certainly originated these gestures for their own purposes, it’s essential to recognize that hand signs have existed long before and apart from street gangs. From innocent childhood games like “rock-paper-scissors” to more complex sign languages developed by Deaf communities worldwide, hand movements bear a universal quality making co-optation almost inevitable.

6) Is there an inherent danger in displaying these gestures without proper understanding?
Handling such symbols with care is indeed crucial as they carry significant weight within gang culture; therefore outsiders must exercise caution not inadvertantly broadcast incorrect affiliations giving rise concerning misidentification potentially leading undesirable consequences one might prefer avoid.

7) Are Signature Gestures solely used for criminal activities or do they hold any positive connotations too?

True – The association many people make between signature gestures and illicit practices often obscures underlying meaning behind diverse cultures adopting certain expressive mannerisms dating back centuries into rituals tied spirituality education kinship bonds Likewise we should remember what icons shapes attract perception embracing power representation dung shared symbolism dances displayed throughout history while cultivating inter-group solidarity celebrate individual identify .

In conclusion, gaining insights into Gangster Disciple’s Signature Gestures takes us on a journey through clandestine communication methods honed by various groups across different time periods. While maintaining professionalism throughout our exploration of frequently asked questions surrounding this topic,cleverly alluding to both historical contexts outside influences illustrates evolution impactful cultural markers found today . It also reminds us of hidden depth beneath seemingly mundane aspects urban life ultimately encouraging continued curiosity pursuit knowledge surrounding numerous social phenomena shaping world around

5) Unveiling the Symbolic Language of gang signs used by the GDs

Unveiling the Symbolic Language of Gang Signs Used by the GDs: Decoding Hidden Messages

Gang culture has always been shrouded in mystery and secrecy. A covert language hidden within their signs, symbols, and gestures serves as a way for gang members to communicate with each other discreetly while creating an aura of intimidation towards outsiders. In this installment, we delve into the world of one notorious gang – The Gangster Disciples (GDs) – to unveil the symbolic language behind their distinctive hand signs.

Understanding these intricate gestures requires insight into both historical contexts and contemporary symbolism employed by GDs. By examining how these signals have developed over time, you gain a deeper understanding of not only the message portrayed but also its underlying intent.

1) Pitchfork Overlap:

One widely recognized symbol synonymous with GD is known as “pitchfork overlap.” This gesture alludes to loyalty among brethren representing respect for fellow members or leaders higher up within hierarchy. While seemingly straightforward at first glance—a merger between fingers representing two adjacent hands divided from thumb downwards—it signifies unity amidst adversity that binds them together against rival gangs’ opposition.

2) Six Points Up Gesture:

The six points up sign holds tremendous importance in highlighting allegiance and reverence toward past affiliations or fallen comrades who risked everything serving their cause before meeting untimely demise—each extended finger commemorating those lost fighters whose bravery inspired generations following suit while vowing never forgotten memory till last breath drawn out upon earth’s canvas once more fades away like echoes through silent corridors where whispers cease indefinitely…

3) Three Finger Salute:

A show-stopper among ranks when executed smoothly — three-finger salute delivers potent messages whilst encapsulating profound strength alongside tribulation faced throughout collective journey traversing treacherous path strewn dotted contrasts filled triumph conquered territories witnessed tragedies deeply etched indelibly marked storied annals rich legacy stretching beyond mortal grasp transcendental significance foretold upon fate’s precipice…

4) Crowned Eagle Majestic Gaze:

Amidst intricate array weaved universe gang sign folklore, one emblem stands unmatched — crowned eagle majestic gaze captivating onlookers mesmerized aficionados signaling prowess triumph realized reflecting strength, ambition dominating adversaries undying spirit resilience unforeseen adversities embraced victoriously landscape unfold domains touched reckless abandon destinies converged fabled battlegrounds knowing no bounds swirling hyperbole tales spun sundry lore threaded narrative tapestry grandiose dreams enlivening mortal coil aspirations transcending heavenward.

5) Diamond Formation:

Intrigued by the diamond formation? Synergistic embodiment gathered ranks unleashing calculated resolve precisely orchestrated movements align united front concise might manifest presenting imposing forcefulness conquer prevent unthinkable defeat deftly poised strategic formations subtle undertones speak volumes shattering expectations disillusion framing pardoning power prisoner situated assumed escape iron-clad snare imprisonment liberty beckons eternally beyond grasp as captors locked ignoble chains emancipatory ascent veiled within diamond facades address traces motivation innermost desires unraveled misconceptions liberating truths seeking elusive pathways labyrinthine realm eternal wisdom quests embarked ascendant spirits forge onwards bejeweled destiny individual collective unison poignant synergy declaring fervent allegiance inscribed boundless possibilities echoing endless cycles transpired eternity unfathomable legacy archival repository future pace metronomic rhythm unwavering march immersive echoes resounding backdrop surreal protagonist fragility existence surrender insignificance sought refuge beguiling symbolisms gifts interwoven vibrant tapestry life ecstatic curtain wordless dialogue shared sacred invisible whispers carried gentle breeze mortality’s ear concealed hearing decipher forgotten histories retelling swan song memorializing mournful elegy hope-inspired symphony conquistador calls dusk enlightening dawn rebirthing horizons illuminated extraordinary scribes unravel convoluted meanings woven threads storylines intersect masterpiece engraving immortal paintbrush heart soul disenfranchised yearning belonging kinship endearingly immortalized memories epitaph scorching sun ablaze forgotten knowledge resurrected fiery infernos sprouting phoenix reborn indigo flames enlighten perplexed seekers truth wandering aimlessly gyre finishes revolving embrace serpentine awakening emboldened wanderers braving counterrevolution inevitable regeneration dormant spirit revitalizing impassioned fervor zealous evangelists rekindled blaze smolder disseminate sage musings layered foundation deeply ingrained quintessence decipher obscured cryptic lexicon.

By delving into the depths of these symbolic gang signs used by GDs, we gain insights not only into their unique communication methods but also a glimpse into the rich history and culture that shapes them. It is an avenue to explore untrodden paths while attempting to grasp the complex dynamics at play within this hidden world. Understanding such symbolism becomes crucial in unraveling deeper layers of meaning posited behind gestures creating ripples through fabric societal norms challenging perceptions intrinsic worth every human being regardless affiliations walking among flawed men bestowed hopeful resolve embracing redemptive change molding meaningful existence forthcoming generations stepping bountiful platform words fail express emotional connection forged reading beyond ink-stained surfaces inscribed upon printed pages noble story elucidating beauty coalescing unity diversity fortifying tapestry precipice remarkable breakthrough transformative revelation once unfathomable arcs ephemeral triumph endeavor penning sagas infinite bravery unsung heroes crystallize whispers resounding celestial spheres ethereal architects fates eternally entwined manifest divinely ordained design cosmic theater sentient beings united beneath universal canopy traversing ever-winding corridors collective journey boldly venturing unknown footsteps fading aeons upcoming epilogue momentary cacophony echoes eternal acoustics ceaseless symphony life everlasting timeless cadences rhythmic melodies harmoniously transcending dimensions past present future unbroken continuity treasured eternity’s enigmatic trove awaiting discovery yearning wisdom distilled essence sapiential discourse unlocking veils concealing many truths quest illumination gaze introspective redemption defined emancipation spirits enthralled spellbound uncover uncharted territory hitherto veiled catch fleeting glimpses nameless possibilities liberation beckoning silenced voices silhouetted twilight lament flaming dirs-

6) Mastering Effective Communication through Studying Gangster Disciples’ Signage

Title: Unveiling the Art of Communication: Deciphering Gangster Disciples’ Signage

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, shaping our relationships and enabling us to convey ideas effectively. Understanding the nuances behind effective communication can unravel fascinating insights into different cultures or subcultures. Today, we delve deep into an unconventional source that might seem unlikely at first glance – studying gang signs used by the notorious Gangster Disciples (GD). Discovering their unique language and symbolism will transform our perception of communication strategies while equipping us with valuable tools for interpersonal connection.

1) The Language Beyond Words:
Breaking free from traditional linguistic barriers, non-verbal cues play a crucial role in conveying messages succinctly yet powerfully. Studying GD signage showcases how these symbols serve as intricate codes within a complex system where every gesture carries significant meaning. By uncovering this hidden dialect, we not only gain insight into underworld dynamics but also acquire lessons on expressing thoughts without vocalizing them directly.

2) Breaking Down Symbolism:
The artistry embedded within GD signs goes beyond mere strategic gestures; they encompass layered symbolic meanings rooted in shared values and experiences among gang members. This deeper understanding helps guide individuals towards more profound connections when deciphered correctly even outside such circles.

3) Nuanced Expressions through Hand Movements:
Just like learning any other foreign language enriches one’s cultural awareness, exploring hand movements employed by Gangster Disciples provides invaluable depth to communication skills across various contexts. Mastering subtle variations permits practitioners to generate rich vocabulary-based conversations encouraging greater engagement during verbal exchanges.

4) Mimicry vs Authenticity Debate :
Gangsters display natural flair while transmitting their message via well-executed signages ingrained over time through experience rather than formal education channels – raising questions about authenticity versus imitation regarding expressive techniques applied elsewhere today- How does genuine self-expression differ from mimicry? Can adopting certain aspects enhance individual style while still being respectful?

5) The Art of Subtlety:
GD signage encompasses an art form where subtleties hold immense significance. Discovering how these intricacies communicate silently speaks volumes about the importance of observation, active listening, and attention to detail when engaging in effective communication techniques outside criminal enterprises.

6) A Blend of Inclusion and Exclusion:
Analyzing gang signs unveils a duality that mirrors our society’s complexity; inclusivity and exclusion simultaneously coexist within expressive gestures. By studying GD signages without endorsing any illegal activity or associating with such groups ensures we appreciate their visual narratives while acknowledging the necessity for inclusiveness among diverse communities at large.

Studying Gangster Disciples’ Signage opens a door to uncharted territories within human connection dynamics. Appreciating this subcultural language provides invaluable insights into the profound impact non-verbal cues possess on interpersonal relationships even beyond illicit environments. Understanding hand movements as both articulation devices and cultural signifiers enhances our ability to observe subtle forms of expression along with cultivating authenticity in communication strategies across all walks of life.

Decoding Gang Signs and Symbols (2024)


What does C mean in gang signs? ›

"C": Crip "C-C": Compton Crip. "U": Underground Crip "H": Harlem Crip. "E": East "0": Number Zero.

How to recognize gang tags? ›

Almost all gang graffiti has initials or symbols identifying the gang. Many times members will use street names or moni- • kers to identify themselves. The graffiti often includes symbols or letters that • identify the neighborhood or the area the gang is from. Graffiti often contains messages to rival gangs.

What is the number 5 gang symbol? ›

The most commonly used Bloods symbols include the number "5", the five-pointed star, and the five-pointed crown. These symbols are meant to show the Bloods' affiliation with the People Nation, a large coalition of affiliates created to protect alliance members in federal and state prison.

Is it possible to get out of a gang? ›

Getting out of a gang isn't easy, but it's possible with persistence. It is worth it. Remember that you aren't alone, and many other people have left gangs before. Every day there are young people worldwide, breaking out of gang control.

What does C and B mean? ›

abbreviation for

caught and bowled (by)

What does BK stand for in the gang? ›

“BK” or “Blood Killer” seen in the above example is used to disrespect the Bloods. Notice in the example above, the first thing seen is “Crip Killer” and the letter “C” crossed out with an arrow pointing down. This was done by someone who does not like members of the “Crip” gang.

What does 13 mean in gang graffiti? ›

The gang has allegiance to the CA prison gang, Mexican Mafia, aka “La Eme”. Sureños identify with “13”, “XIII”, “X3”, the letter “M” - 13th letter in the alphabet - as homage to the Mexican Mafia. They typically use the color blue but may use other colors as well such as black or brown, dependant on the set.

Can you go to jail for gang signs? ›

When you commit a crime to benefit a gang or in association with gang members you can get charged with an extra felony. This is true even if you have committed a less serious offense like graffiti. This means you could go to the penitentiary for 10 years just for tagging a wall or sidewalk with gang signs.

What is the nickname for a crip? ›

Crips traditionally refer to each other as "Cuz" or "Cuzz", which itself is sometimes used as a moniker for a Crip. "Crab" is the most disrespectful epithet to call a Crip, and can warrant fatal retaliation.

What gang number is blood? ›

the number five in their graffiti, tattoos, and clothing. By the early 1990s the Bloods presence had spread across the country, but it was not until two inmates at Riker's Island correctional facility in New York joined together that the gang gained popularity in the East.

What is 550 in gang? ›

Below are some excerpts from that glossary, which was released Monday, that explain gang lingo: » “Crab” is a derogatory term for a member of the rival Crips gang. » “550” is a civilian ? neither a Bloods member nor a member of a rival gang. » “Triple 9” refers to cooperating with law enforcement.

What gang is purple? ›

The Purple Gang was Detroit's most notorious organized crime gang in the 1920s and 1930s. Led chiefly by the Burnstein (often misspelled Bernstein) brothers Raymond, Joseph, Isadore and Abraham - the Purple Gang was made up of immigrants from Detroit's lower east side.

Is it OK to join a gang? ›

Gang members frequently drop out of school and/or end up in jail. As a result, it is more difficult to find a job. Many members suffer from alcohol or drug abuse. Ultimately, some gang members are seriously injured or killed.

How do gang members get paid? ›

Some gangs collect millions of dollars per month selling illegal drugs, trafficking weapons, operating prostitution rings, and selling stolen property. Gangs launder proceeds by investing in real estate, recording studios, motorcycle shops, and construction companies.

What does C with your hand mean? ›

The “C” to request a clarification with a question or comment. A “C" hand signal means you've got a clarifying question or comment. Anyone showing a “C” cuts to the front of the line and gets to speak before others in the stack.

What does C to C mean in slang? ›

COMMERCE, E-COMMERCE. abbreviation for consumer-to-consumer: relating to the buying and selling of products, services, and information between individual consumers, especially over the internet: C2C business/e-commerce/market/sales.

What does C mean circle? ›

The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, © (a circled capital letter C for copyright), is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention.

What gang is C Blu in? ›

Before the arrest, C Blu appeared to be approaching the upper echelons of the city's popular drill rap scene, which has produced rappers like Sheff G and the late Pop Smoke. Prosecutors say he is a member of the Reyway crew, a subset of the Crips.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.